sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

8e8dacc8d09b4e2df309dfa12b50ffb7 Knights of the Temple   DEViANCE (Full ISO 2004)

Cavaleiros of the Templo – DEViANCE (Completa ISO/2004)

PC | 2004 | Editor:TDK Mediactive | Revelador:Starbreeze | 1.67 GB

 Tipo:Fantasia Ação

An evil Bishop has abducted Adelle, a mysterious young woman with divine powers.

Com sua comitiva of discípulos and their Adelle cativo, he embarca on an Cruzada profana, em movimento along the rotas iniciais of the cruzadas histórico. Por abusar poderes Adelles contra her vontade, he planos to completo the Unholy Círculo and to perform dark rituals at sacred places todesecrate them. Este way he pretende to eventually unlock and acesso to the Gateway to Inferno.

Paul, a jovem, newly initiated Templar knights finds upon him the tarefa difícil of de partida a missão to descobrir the Conspiracy mal, to interromper the Unholy Círculo and to evitar the Mal Bispo from cumprir o seu plano de. Apenas by salvar Adelle can he salvar the Mal formulário mundo.

Características do Jogo:
Encontro up to 30+ different inimigos with different comportamentos and fraquezas on an busca épica to salvar the almas of humanidade, incluindo your próprio!
Explorar 25 níveis in configurações medieval. Variando from the Escuridão sombria of European monasteries and aldeias to the colourful bazaars and powerful bastions of the crusader castles under the blazing sun in the Terra Santa!
Entrar the realms of inferno and face your worst nightmares.
Uso the gama completa of chivalric arms of tempos medievais: espada, cetro, machado to conquistar your inimigos in luta de combate realista perto with a multidão of ataques sensíveis ao contexto!
Poderes divinos that will ajuda you face your piores medos.
Progressão da personagem through Ataques Combo, Ataques Especiais and Poderes divinos.
See state of the art natural motion captured animations and realista
combate with 160 move-se and animações, in game events and cut scenes!
Desfrutar 27 different trilhas sonoras in a movie style score with a medieval touch!
Animation driven physics, creating fluent motion that are synchronized with the heros actions!
Dinâmico use of sala and 3rd person view creates a filme like sentimento!
Estado of the art graphics and special efeitos.
Extenso use of short cut scenes and animated events using the game engine will further enhancethe cinematic feeling of Cavaleiros of the Templo!
Realistic fighting, using pesado and deliberate moves, truques sujos and shield bashing, causing massive damage per blow, will put the jogador into harsh reality of medieval swordplay!
Challenging archery using the arco and setas. Sem the ajuda of a crosshair, the player must master all habilidades to get the deadly arrows to strike home!
Dynamic skill system aids the jogador to desenvolver the preferred traits of the herói, without burdening the gameplay with estatística and record keeping!

Como instalar

1) Unrar with WinRAR.
2) Queimar the .cue and .sou with Nero Burning Rom software.
3) Instalar the jogo.
4) Cópia over Rachar from DEViANCE dir on CD1
5) E then jogar ! :)










Espelho (download rápido):

http://www.filesonic.com/file/2987013254/Knights of the Temple – DEViANCE (Full ISO-2004).part1.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/2987013255/Knights of the Temple – DEViANCE (Full ISO-2004).part2.rar

http://www.wupload.com/file/6014326057/Knights of the Temple – DEViANCE (Full ISO-2004).part1.rar
http://www.wupload.com/file/6014326058/Knights of the Temple – DEViANCE (Full ISO-2004).part2.rar

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